

“We aren’t that difficult to hear, if you will listen for us with an open heart. Most of the time, we are closer to you than you can imagine. A whisper, a thought, is the only signal we need from you to get a conversation started. We have enormous respect for what you’re going through here on planet Earth at this time. We never seek to interfere with your lives, only to bring you blessings of insights and new ways of looking at yourselves.” – A message from the Angels


“Sometimes, I’ll see people whom an entourage of angels surrounds. I always stop them and ask whether they purposely called the angels. Always, the answer I hear is, “Yes, I asked to be surrounded by angels.” The more we call upon the angels, the more they can come to our assistance.

Angels want to surround us, and they greatly desire to give us help. Our joy brings them enormous pleasure. Yet, they cannot help us unless we ask. A universal law that binds angels says, “No angel shall interfere with a human’s life unless asked, with the sole exception of a life-threatening emergency. An angel will not make decisions for a human, but – when asked – an angel may offer advice and different ways of looking at the given situation.”

So an angel may nudge you or encourage you, and an angel may create a miraculous coincidence for you. However, an angel cannot help you unless you choose to accept the help, because you have free will.

To ask for angelic assistance, you needn’t conduct a formal invocation ceremony. God and the angels aren’t complicated, due to their true nature of pure and simple love. Only our lower-self ego believes that spirituality is necessarily complicated, because it cannot believe that something so powerful and great could be accessible to everyone instantly. Yet, it’s true.” – Doreen Virtue

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