Faery Gardens

I am SO excited about my new project for Earth DNA. We’ve always stocked awesome faeries, dragons and friends. And we’ve encouraged people to make a faery garden at home. You’ve probably read our article on how to create a faery garden in your home on our website, with information on plants and crystals that attract faery energy.

But recently I’ve been captivated with combining faery gardens with miniature gardens, and had the idea to start creating and supplying lots of awesome goodies to really get you going! Starter kits, faery houses and gorgeous accessories to personalize your miniature garden for your faery collection.

Our board on Pinterest will give you a peek at some of our ideas! Can’t wait!!


Catching Up

It’s been a while since I last posted! After closing the doors to Earth DNA in Botha’s Hill, KZN, at the end of 2012, I moved to Cape Town and took some time settling into my new life.

Now it’s ON baby cakes! Earth DNA will be re-opening its doors as a physical shop in Cape Town in the next few weeks. We have new stock arriving DAILY and SO much in store!


LOTS of new gorgeous crystals, beautiful faeries, books, incense and more!


Apart from our own crystal wrapped jewellery, we’ll be introducing some beautiful earthy clay jewellery, as well as unique Solid Energy and imported Amethyst Jewels. …..Prepare.To.Drool.

amethyst solidenergy












We’ll also be introducing two lines of clothing from awesome local designers Mystic Tribe (as their first official retail outlet) and Marz Psy-Wear!

Mystic Tribe


We’re also sharing shop space with Flow DNA – my hubby’s Flow Arts shop – so we’ll have hula hoops, poi, staff, flower sticks and more in stock!


Earth DNA Shop Stock

Earth DNA – The Little Esoteric Shop… In the last few posts we’ve discussed the crystals, incense, oils and smudge that we stock. Here are some of the other esoteric supplies available – including second hand esoteric books, pendulums, crystal kits, grids and nets, bookmarks, windchimes, dreamcatchers, spells, faeries, dragons, journals, book of shadows, buddhas, ganeshas, keyrings, herbs, and more…

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We are now based in Cape Town – find us at Markets all over the mother city by checking http://www.facebook.com/earthdna for event notifications on where we’ll be next, or drop us a message Xx

About Imbolc


Imbolc, also known as Imbolg (“in the belly”), or Olmelc (“ewe’s milk”) – referring to the time of year when ewes, heavy with pregnancy, would begin to lactate in preparation for the impending births of their lambs, a time that heralded the return of Spring and all the life it brought with it out the dark, cold winter. Originating in the Northern Hemisphere, Imbolc is celebrated on 1 February (we celebrate on 1 August in the Southern Hemisphere), roughly halfway between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Throughout the British Isles, February was a harsh, bitter month for the rural folk to survive. In Scotland, this time was called “Faoilleach” – the Wolf Month, and also “Marbh mhio`s” – the Dead Month. But it was at this most trying time that the first small, undeniable signs of new life would begin to appear. Lambs would be born, soft rains encouraging the growth of new green grass shoots, Blackthorns and crocuses would blossom, ravens would begin to build their nests, and the clear voices of the larks could be heard calling across the snow laden fields. In Ireland, the farmers would now begin to prepare the land for new seed, while fishermen began to look forward to the end of the winter storms and rough sea conditions to launch their boats again.

While the Horned God, who reined over Autumn and Winter, still held power, The Old Woman of Winter, Cailleach, as she was known in Scotland, was reborn as Bride (Brigid the Light-Bringer, Bright One, Brighid, Brid) – Young Maiden of Spring, fragile, yet growing with strength each day as the sun warmed. She was honoured as the Goddess of healing and fertility, fire, keeper of the sacred flame, and guardian of home & hearth. In another version in which the God was reborn at Yule, and the Goddess was Crone, sees the Goddess as mother to the God at Imbolc, feeding him from her own body as the energy of Spring builds.

This festival was central to hearth and home – a celebration involving lighting the hearth fires and bringing out the last of the special foods, like butter and milk, that had been eked out through the hard winter months. Fires – lighting candles, hearths and bonfires, were very symbolic at this time – both in the sense of encouraging the return of the sun’s warmth and increasing power, and in the sense of purification for the new cycle ahead. With winter stores running low, it was important to the people who lived off the land to ensure a good season ahead and a steady supply of food. The Imbolc rituals were performed to bring in this divine energy.

So how does this translate into our modern times? As Pagans, we strive to rekindle our connection with the land, the changing of the seasons – learning to live back in rhythm with natural life. So at this time, we would apply the same philosophies and symbolisms (think on all four planes – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) – in terms of welcoming back the beginning of Spring, purifying ourselves and our space, perhaps going through the kitchen larder, having a feast with loved ones, lighting candles / a fire, and generally preparing to come out of “winter hibernation”. What seeds will you be planting for the season ahead? What would you like to call energy into as the Sun slowly builds in power and warmth?


Imbolc or Imbolg (Celtic), Olmelc, also called Brighid’s Day or St Brighid’s Day (Irish: Lá Fhéile Bríde, Scottish Gaelic: Là Fhèill Brìghde, Manx: Laa’l Breeshey), Imbolgc Brigantia (Caledonni), Disting (Teutonic – but celebrated 14 February), Lupercus (Strega), St Bridget’s Day (Christian), Candlelaria (Mexican), the Snowdrop Festival, The Festival of Lights, Feast of the Virgin.

Note: Origin of Candlemas
When Ireland converted to Christianity, the Catholic Church attempted to replace the pagan Imbolc festival with one dedicated to the Virgin Mary on the second day of the month, a feast of purification of the Virgin. By Jewish law, it took 40 days after the birth of a woman to be cleansed following the birth of a son. Thus, 40 days after Mary’s birth of Jesus (Christmas), brought the date to 2 February. It was called “Lá Fhéile Muire na gCoinneal” (feast day of Mary of the Candles), which later was translated in English to Candlemas. They also allowed the Goddess Brigid to become a saint, and St Brigid’s Day was established.

Return of the light, renewal of the Maiden, start of Spring, increasing the light, hearth fire, creative fire, healing fire, women and the Goddess, purification, purity, growth, reunion of Goddess and God, renewal of maidenhood, renewal of the land, waking of the earth, returning to work on the land after the winter lull, renewal of fertility, letting go of the old and making way for the new.


February 1st (Northern hemisphere)
August 1st (Southern hemisphere)

Gods of Love and Fertility, the Horned God, Aengus Og, Eros, Februus

All Virgin/Maiden Goddesses – especially Brigid. Aradia, Athena, Inanna, Gaia, Februa

Below are more correspondences for the Imbolc festival. Use these for inspiration rather than hard and fast rules. You can choose to mark the change in season however you want – ultimately it is about your connection with nature, so do what resonates with you and your loved ones.

Angelica, Basil, Bay Laurel, Cinnamon, Coltsfoot, Heather, Iris, Myrrh, Tansy, Vanilla, Violet, Wisteria

Amethyst, Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby, Onyx, Turquoise

White, yellow, pink, red, green, brown

Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, poppyseed cakes, muffins, scones, breads, dairy products, peppers, onions, garlic, raisins, soups, spiced wines, herbal teas


White and yellow flowers
Candle wheels
Brigid’s Crosses
Acorn-tipped wands

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Earth DNA Shop Stock – Incenses, Oils, Smudge

Earth DNA – The Little Esoteric Shop stocks a wide range of incense. We also have both locally produced and imported smudge sticks, smudge kits, burners, fire blessings, a selection of locally made oil blends (Angels, Dragons, Annointing, Protection, etc) and oil burners. The photos below are to give you an idea of the look and feel of our products – please bear in mind that stock changes all the time, so if there’s something specific that you’re looking for, it’s best to check with us first before coming through to the shop.

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PS: Have you “liked” us on Facebook? Come make friends! http://www.facebook.com/earthdna

Crystals at the Earth DNA Shop

Following on from my previous post, Where Is the Earth DNA Shop Based?, I thought we should cover what we stock! So, without further ado, here’s a taste of the yummy crystals we’ve been blessed to share with you. Please bear in mind that stock changes all the time, so if there’s ever something specific you’re wanting, it’s best to check with us before coming round to make sure we do in fact have stock of what you’re looking for.


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We’ve written lots of articles on crystals – from how they work to how to classify them. If you’re interested in learning more, here are links to some of the articles to get you started:

Introduction to Crystals

Crystals Metaphysical Properties Chart

Crystal Shapes Correspondence Chart

Crystal Classifications

Cleansing and Programming Your Crystals

How Crystals Work

Four Steps To WAKING UP!

Every day we’re being flooded by new information, showing us that the “comfortable modern world” we grew up in is not quite what it seemed at all. Things are changing, and maybe you’re wondering how exactly you, on your own, can make a difference. The truth is, it’s really, really easy to start! Here are four easy avenues where you can start making the change today.


– Stop buying GM (genetically modified) food. To pick on one currently hot topic: Monsato. If you haven’t seen the lab results conducted on rats (awful, I know) fed on Monsato’s GM corn, they’re published and available for public reading. Monsato is the biggest corn producer in the world. America is currently the leading producer of corn – made up of 5 major suppliers, all of whom are Monsato growers. And corn, by the by, is not just a food sold on on its own. Corn has somehow ended up in almost everything…soft drinks, meat, marg, you name it.We’re talking serious health problems – the most scary of all: brain shrinkage. I’m not kidding – a marked reduction in brain size!  This is apart from various organ damage. What was that “ridiculous” conspiracy theory about how the ‘powers that be’ are trying to dumb down the masses? *ahem*


– As a general guide, if you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it. Try to avoid products loaded with the scary lab grown preservatives, flavourants and colourants. “Foods” (using the term ever so loosely here) loaded with artificial additives are not good for you! Take a look at the ingredients labels next time you’re in the grocery store. Be prepared though. The first time I did this, I ended up taking 3 hours to try do a quick shop and was so frustrated I was ready to cry! It’s a horrible awakening to what we’ve been blindly putting into our bodies.

Look for organic. Look for free range meat and eggs. Support your local farmers market. There are SO many products flooding into the market now, it’s easy to start buying more consciously, and not nearly as expensive as it used to be even 2 years ago – even the local Checkers and Pick ‘n Pay both generally have a good range. Just make sure that the product that boldly claims to be natural/organic/free range is certified. You’ll find you actually eat less – because the food you’re putting into your body is real and whole. You’re also not confusing your brain with added chemicals that tell it what you’re eating tastes nice no matter what it is (which is the sole purpose of ‘lovely’ additives like MSG), you’re tasting real yummy stuff. You’ll find your stomach more easily registers when it’s full, and is better able to process what you’ve put in it, meaning you have to consume less to get what you really need to function healthily.

– Start learning about natural health alternatives, adding beneficial fresh herbs and spices into your meals. Rosemary can cure a cough. Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Chilli has more vitamin C than an orange. Herbal teas are a great way to treat various common ailments. Drink more water. Stop going to the doctor every time you get sick and start treating yourself and your family naturally. Don’t take antibiotics unless you’re really, really ill – try natural alternatives first! Natural DOES work, it’s cheap, it’s easy and it’s self empowering.


Get educated. Spread awareness. Stop turning a blind eye to what’s going on. Log onto real, trustworthy, honest sites – I’m not suggesting you flood yourself with millions of scary doomsday pronouncements. Check out the likes of Wikileaks, Avaaz and Occupy Movement for starters. See for yourself.






We’ve been living in a culture of waste and limited usage. It’s disgusting. In 2010, Sex and the City 2 grossed over 200 million dollars, while countless human beings died of starvation. The US spends billions and billions of dollars every year on warfare, yet next to nothing on education and health. You CAN make a difference just by making a few changes to how you view your own world….

– Recycle. Come on, it’s not that hard. All it takes are two or three neat dustbins next to each other with labels. Make your own compost heap for the garden by collecting your own veg peelings and the like. Get a worm farm. Or put up a bird feeder in your garden and toss your old fruit and stale bread on it. Find out where your local recycling depo is, and make a weekly trip to drop off your separated bags of glass, paper, etc.

– Look into a grey water system. They’re inexpensive and really easy to set up. It’ll save you money and save the planet some water.

– Start a little herb or veg garden. It can even be in pots! Fresh, home grown – nothing like it.

– Save electricity where you can. Switch off, unplug – you know the drill. Use lower wattage bulbs. Turn your geyser off when you’re not at home. Better yet – look into a solar or gas geyser. Switch off the TV and take a walk in nature. Have a weekly board game evening. Have a candlelight dinner evening.

– Look around you – look at your usage and your waste. Where can you cut down? Where can you recycle? What’s essential? What are the alternatives? Start thinking! There are SO many awesome ideas out there!


Stop telling yourself you just don’t have the time. Honestly, you know in your heart that you could make time to meditate for 10 minutes a day. So start doing it! Meditation means quietening the mind to outside distractions, as well as the little voice in your head that keeps up that constant unhelpful dialogue. Mediation is the first and most important step to tapping into your truth. Once you get that connection going, you’ll find balance becomes easier, things will start to flow more, and your natural internal “knowing” will start coming to the fore. Make the time. Start today.

With love and light, I hope you dance XXX

Creating a Sacred Space

Creating Your Own Personal Sacred Space…

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What is a Sacred Space?
A Sacred Space is a sanctuary for your soul. It’s a place you can step into to be safe – perfectly yours, dedicated to your Higher Self. In your Sacred Space, you can simply relax and recharge yourself – “time out”. You can also use your Space to do energy work – contacting your guides, receiving wisdom, sending and receiving healing energy, manifestations, meditation, etc.

Where Should I Set Up My Sacred Space?
Your Sacred Space can be anything and anywhere at all – the point is to reflect YOU, your Higher Self – that part of yourself connected to the Divine in totality. It should be a space that is free of interruptions and distractions, a space that is tranquil, peaceful, beautiful and safe. Some people choose a whole room, others simply allocate a small corner of a room. Yet others choose an outdoors space, or even a “portable space” (their sacred items placed in a box that can travel with them and be set up anywhere). Some people choose to create a mental Sacred Space by building their perfect space in their mind using visualization, and returning there whenever they need to, via meditation. When choosing your Sacred Space, try to avoid being too close to any electrical appliances (TV, radio, computer etc) as they emit harmful energy called “electromagnetic smog” that will be counter-productive. You want a place that you will be least likely to be interrupted or distracted – by family members, pets, noise from the TV or radio, ringing phones, doorbells and suchlike.

How Do I Prepare My Sacred Space?
1. Cleanse: Once you have chosen your space, you need to first cleanse it of all unwanted and stagnant residual energy. It’s a good idea to repeat this ritual every time you use your space. Smudging is an easy and effective way to do this. Simply light a smudge or incense stick, and wave it throughout the space. Hold in your mind the intention to cleanse the space of unwanted energy. Make sure all available doors and windows are open whilst you do this. Visualize the space filling with beautiful, pure white light during this process. You could also use a small bowl of salt water which you charge (visualize pure white light filling the water, state your intention clearly while holding the bowl) and then sprinkle around the space. Make a habit of cleansing yourself too before you enter the space! Visualize a waterfall of pure white light cascading down over you, and state something along the lines of: “I release all harmful and unwanted energy back into the Universe, to be transformed for better use elsewhere”. Picture bits of dark / black energy or smudges of dirt washing off you and funneling down a drain below your feet.

2. Protect: You want to seal in the positive, clean energy and keep out unwanted energy. You can do this by sprinkling salt around the border of your space, and/or using crystals around the border. How many crystals you use is up to you – you can have one in each corner, or completely surround the border. Clear Quartz works well for this, which you can choose to combine with tourmaline for added protection and selenite to boost the grid’s energy.

3. Set Up an Altar: You can either use a small table, or a cloth on the ground, to set up a little altar. On your altar you can place your  chosen items that represent your connection with Spirit / God & Goddess / Creator. If you like, you can also represent the elements. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, use a bowl of earth/salt/crystals in the South for Earth, a feather or incense stick in the East for Air, a candle in the North for Fire and a bowl of water in the West for Water (If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you need to swap North and South – North represents Earth and South represents Fire). Another way to represent the elements would be to use pictures or crystals.


The Elements and Directions – Symbolism

What Should I Put In My Sacred Space?
Begin by selecting whatever tools you like to use for energy work and meditation. The idea is to create a space that reflects your spiritual self, so choose items that mean something to you personally or that resonate with you. Try not to over-clutter the space, keep it simple and clean. Include a pen and paper to record any thoughts, ideas, intuitions or messages that come through to you. A nice idea is to choose items that relate to each of your physical senses, in order to assist in zoning in every part of you:
* Sight – Crystals, pictures (e.g. totem animal / nature / abstract work / mandala), a plant, candles (great for meditation), statues or ornaments (e.g. faeries / God & Goddess representations / Buddha / angels)
* Scent – Scented candles, aromatherapy oils in an oil burner, incense sticks. Choose fragrances that are not too heavy and distracting, rather go for a light, gentle scent for general work and meditation. You may wish to have a selection of scents for various occasions / energy work.
* Sound – You may wish to have a little CD player or MP3 player in your space, with relaxing, meditative music to play softly in the background. Other ideas are wind chimes, singing bowls, a drum or other rhythmic musical instrument, a water feature for the sound of running water.
* Texture – You can bring in texture through fabrics (a velvet cloth on the table, a cushion, a silk robe you don, removing your shoes and feeling the ground beneath you), a mini  tabletop zen garden, prayer beads, a healing wand
* Taste – A small bowl of salt which you can take a pinch of as part of your opening cleansing ritual, a herbal tea or crystal elixir to sip, small biscuits to munch as a closing grounding ritual

Enjoy your Sacred Space!


BLACKBIRD, CROW & RAVEN: Animal Wisdom ~ Air Animal Totem Meanings

The Blackbird, Crow & Raven are closely interlinked and deeply interwoven in the myth and lore of the world. These birds have been seen and depicted as involved with powerful forces for both/either (depending on which story you read) good and bad in almost every major culture recorded.


Keywords: Protect what’s yours

Oracle: Good omen. You are supported by the Animal Kingdom, and they are lending you their energy. Define your boundaries and claim your territory.

Blackbird’s Wisdom Includes:

  • Connection to the water plant kingdom
  • Doing trance work
  • Use of camouflage in protection of family
  • Ability to sway with the winds of change

Blackbird – Red Winged Oracle: You’re about to become privy to some hidden information that will put everything in a new light. Surprises and new understanding are on their way.


Keywords: Justice, shape shifting, change, creativity, spiritual strength, energy, community sharing, balance, magickal help

Oracle: Unexpected help with problems and obstacles is on its way. Your magick is calling, and it will be answered.

Crow/Rook’s Wisdom Includes:

  • Guardian of the place before existence
  • Ability to move in space and time
  • Honouring ancestors
  • Ethics and Ethical behaviour
  • Carrier of souls from darkness into light
  • Working without fear in darkness
  • Guidance while working in shadow
  • Moves freely in the void
  • Understands all things related to ethics
  • Shape-shifter


Keywords: Destroy/rebuild, explorer of the unknown, mysterious, introspection, courage, self-knowledge, magic, shape-shifting

Oracle: Things are shape-shifting around you. There is an awakening of magick. Give it new expression and life will change for the better.

Raven’s Wisdom Includes:

  • Rebirth without fear
  • Ability to tear down what needs to be rebuilt
  • Renewal
  • Ability to find light in darkness
  • Courage of self-reflection
  • Introspection
  • Comfort with self
  • Honouring ancestors
  • Connection to the Crone
  • Divination
  • Change in consciousness
  • New occurrences
  • Eloquence

Ravens are common characters found all over the world, most prominently in the traditional North American, Siberian, Norse and Celtic mythology. They have been known as tricksters, cultural hero figures, and even the creator of human beings in various narratives…

The Cherokee call Crow Medicine “koga nvwato”. The power to shape-shift means they can be in two places at one time.

In the Puget Sound region, Raven lived in the land of spirits (literally “bird land”) that existed before the world of humans. One day, the Raven became so bored of spirit world that he flew away, carrying a stone in his beak. When Raven became tired of carrying the stone, he dropped it, and it fell into the ocean where it grew to form the first land that people now live upon.

A Haida myth speaks of Raven discovering the first human men in a clam shell, and upon freeing them (and growing bored with them), proceeded to look for and find female counterparts, trapped in a chiton. He is said to have been very entertained at the meeting and interacting of men and women. Many Haida myths and legends often suggest the Raven to be a provider to mankind.

An ancient story told on the Queen Charlotte Islands tells how Raven helped to bring the Sun, Moon, Stars, Fresh Water and Fire to the world. During this quest, Raven’s white feathers were blackened, and they never grew white again.

In one common North American story, Raven plays a vain and regretful Chief in a moral tale similar to that of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”.

Another legend from the native peoples of the Pacific Northwest tells of how at the beginning of the world, Raven was the one who brought light to the darkness. Great Spirit stored all things in separate cedar boxes, and gifted these boxes to the animals who existed before humans. As the animals opened the boxes, so all the things that comprise the world came into being – mountains, fire, water, wind, and seed for all the plants. Seagull was given a box containing the light of the world, but selfishly refused to open it. All the animals asked Raven to intervene, who subsequently begged, pleaded, bullied and cajoled Seagull to no effect. Finally, he stabbed Seagull in the foot with a thorn, deeper and deeper, until Seagull finally had to drop the box from the pain.

The Raven features equally prominently in Germanic mythology. Odin was often associated with ravens, specifically two ravens, Huginn (thought) and Muninn (memory) who served as his eyes and ears.

Druid legend says that the birds of Rhiannon are three blackbirds, which sit and sing in the World Tree of the Otherworlds. Their singing puts the listener in to a sleep or trance which enables her/him to go to the Otherworlds. It was said to impart mystic secrets.

In Irish mythology, ravens are associated with warfare and the figures Badb and Morrigan. The god Lugh, god of the sun, and creator of the arts and sciences, was closely associated with ravens, as his name is derived from a Celtic word for “raven” or “crow”.

Bran the Blessed, a giant in Welsh mythology, is considered to be closely associated with Lugh. According to folklore, England will fall if the ravens ever abandoned the Tower of London. The head of Bran the Blessed, according to the Welsh Triads, is buried underneath the Tower.

The Raven even manages to get an, albeit brief and gruesome, mention in the Quran, during a story of Cain and Abel, the sons of Adam, where the Raven teaches men how to bury dead bodies. {Surah 5:27-31}

In the Story of Bhusanda, from Hindu mythology, a very old sage in the form of a crow, Bhusanda, remembers a succession of epochs in the earth’s history, as described in Hindu cosmology. He survived several “destructions”, living on a wish-fulfilling tree on Mount Meru. In Hinduism, the Crow is considered to be an ancestor, and during Sraddha, the practice of offering food or pinda to crows is still practiced.

In Islam, Raven is punished for being one of three beings who copulated on Noah’s Art during the flood, and got punished as a result. In the Christian faith, Raven is mentioned in the Bible (Kinds 17:4-6), saving the prophet Elijah from starvation as he hid in the wilderness by feeding him.

In Closing:
Reading up on Raven, it was difficult to decide when to stop, as there is a proliferation of legends and stories stretching back hundreds of years. If this bird has captured your attention, please do some more research – you will be fascinated!