Chakra Healing Meditation


Lie down, close your eyes, and begin to breathe deeply as you slowly relax each part of your body, starting with your toes, and working your way up to your face and scalp. Feel the tension release from your whole body. Relax, and let go. Let go and clear all worries and fears, replacing all tension with white light and deep breath. Relax your mind, relax your soul, and visualise yourself surrounded and protected by beautiful, pure white light.
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New Moon Meditation – World Tree Meditation

(Correllian First Degree – Esbats Ritual *Minor Adaptations Made)

Close your eyes, relax and go inside yourself. Become aware of your Heart Chakra, and imagine a ball of white light within it. This is the light of the Eternal Flame, your connection to Goddess – the Divine Spark within you. In this ball of light is love, and peace, and strength. Feel the love and power in the light – the love of the Goddess.
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Heal & Attune Full Moon Meditation

(Correllian First Degree – Esbats Ritual *Minor Adaptations Made)

 Imagine the face of the Full Moon. See Her clearly in your mind – gaze upon Her. Behold Her soft luminance, Her pearly light. Imagine Her qualities – what do you feel from her? Love? Strength? Peace?

Feel Her energy – commune with Her. Bond with Her.
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Group Divination Exercise/Meditation

(Correllian First Degree – Esbats Ritual *Minor Adaptations Made)

 Close your eyes, relax and go inside yourself. Become aware of your Heart Chakra, and imagine a ball of white light within it. This is the light of the Eternal Flame, your connection to Goddess – the Divine Spark within you. In this ball of light is love, and peace, and strength. Feel the love and power in the light – the love of the Goddess.
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Drawing Down The Moon (Patti Wigington, Guide)

This ritual is one of the most intensely beautiful and powerful that most Wiccans and Pagans can ever experience. In this beautiful and powerful rite, the practitioner invokes the Goddess directly into herself (or himself, as the case may be). In some variations, a High Priestess (HPs) may go into a trancelike state and speak the words of the Goddess, or it may be a formal monologue calling upon the Goddess in her many forms.  Drawing Down the Moon is best performed on the night of the full moon, or on one of the nights immediately before.
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Healing Earth Meditations


Begin circular breathing. Breathe in healing white universal light through your root chakra. See the light traveling up your chakras to the crown chakra. Exhale the light through your throat chakra back down to the basal chakra and breathe in the light again. Imagine the light like a wave. Imagine this wave of light moving in and out of your body like the tide. Now, expand the light so that it is a continuous loop of healing energy moving through your ethereal and physical bodies.
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Mabon Meditation

Autumn Equinox Meditation:

Breathe deeply and relax. Close your eyes. Let your breathing become slow, even, more and more relaxing. Relax, relax into the darkness. Relax deeper into yourself. Descend into yourself as deeply as you desire. As you descend, experience fully the sense of darkness. And know that although you descend to the depths of darkness, you are safe. And experience, too, that although you are deep within yourself, you are connected to all those here, and to many who have come before, and also to future generations.
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