Lammas History and Lore


The Lammas Festival at the beginning of August (Northern Hemisphere) is one of the four Celtic Cross Quarter Festivals, linked to the old farming calendar – some call it Lughnasadh.  This was a time when people were very close to the land and their lives were governed by the changing of the seasons and the need to grow enough food to survive.
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Lammas is a cross-quarter holiday halfway between the Summer Solstice (Litha) and the Autumn Equinox (Mabon). In the southern hemisphere, Lammas is celebrated around 1 February, with the Sun near the midpoint of Aquarius. On the Wheel of the Year, it is opposite Imbolc, which is celebrated late July/early August.

Lammas, also known as the First Fruits Harvest, is a bittersweet festival, as we celebrate the first flush bounty of Mother Earth, while simultaneously recognising that the sun has passed its yearly zenith and is now in decline, meaning we must also begin preparations for the approaching winter. The land is alive with energy, in the vegetables, ripe fields of wheat & corn, onions and garlic, and especially herbs – which are now at their most potent and perfect for harvesting for magickal workings. Everywhere you look is beauty and plenty. At the same time, the days will now begin to grow shorter, growing darker earlier each day as we turn towards the dark part of the wheel.
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Lammas Activities


  • Corn dollies and grain mothers can be made at this time.
  • It is a good time to make a witches bottle or spell purse. Find items for the spell such as coins for a prosperity spell etc. When you have finished seal the purse or bottle with candle wax and either bury it in the garden near the front door or put it where it will not be disturbed.
  • Giving Thanks for the Harvest of both physical and spiritual gains.
  • Rituals of Releasing and Sacrificing what one wants to get rid of
  • Offerings of the Produce and Grain Harvest being blessed and/or thrown into the fire
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