


Paganism is a very broad umbrella term encompassing many different belief systems from Shamanism, African Witchcraft, Druidism, Odinism (the Norse traditions), Goddess Spirituality, Wicca (including various branches/traditions such as Alexandrian, Gardnerian, Dianic & Correllian) and Eclectic Paganism (which, as the name implies, is a “bit of this and a bit of that”). What these belief systems share in common, for the most part, is:
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Cajun’s Spell for Obtaining

Make a dream catcher, focusing your intent into every knot. Hang it where it will be seen daily.

When the “dream is caught”, destroy the dream catcher.


* Corresponding crystals, herbs and objects related to your intention (e.g. to draw in money, use citrine crystals, vervain and cinammon, a R10 note… for peace, add amethyst, weave in sprigs of lavender and basil, a dove feather…etc)
* Use corresponding colours for the string used to weave the dream catcher
* Once the “dream is caught”, burn or bury the dream catcher with a thanksgiving ceremony

Growing Magickal Herbs Tips & Notes

The majickal garden uses earth majick to heal the body, water majick to heal the heart, fire majick to transform the mind and air majick to liberate the spirit.

Tips for Growing Majickal Herbs:

*         Mix mistletoe into soil to upgrade majickal power of plants.

*         Mix in hair from your family (including pets) to infuse the earth with elements from the human and animal worlds.

*         To get the most majickal power from earthworms (who change nutrients into dissolvable form for plants, and aerate the soil), invoke the blessing of Crom Cruaich, the Celtic god of worms on them.

*         Carry a talisman or amulet of the herbs you are working with to empower their growth.

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Casting Magic Spells in Partnership with Your Living Plant Allies

Casting Magic Spells in Partnership with Your Living Plant Allies
From The Element Encyclopaedia of 1000 Spells

Gardens can be both products of enchantment and independent producers of enchantment; they are a living, on-going magic spell. Gardens may be arranged in any variety of ways – colour co-ordinated, whatever was on sale at the nursery, even completely haphazardly. If you select, coordinate, and arrange plants according to the magic powers they radiate, then planting a garden becomes one style of casting a spell. Thus your desire to draw wealth, protection, or fertility to one’s home is manifested by carefully arranging the appropriate plants, and vigilantly removing those possessing opposing, contradictory powers.
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Herbs – Powders

Herbal Magik Powders & Herbs for Magikal Intent

Scattering herbs and powders is a common way of invoking the influence of the herbs to achieve your magical intent. They are dusted around places of business to improve sales, scattered in bedrooms to light the spark of love, and sprinkled over people to bless or protect them. Powders are particularly common in traditional American folk magic and hoodoo where there are hundreds of them in common use. They are a relatively easy product, scattering herbs are single herbs or blends that are spread around a home, store, property or other sort of place to produce a magical intent. Powders are finely ground dried herbs, mixtures of herbs, or oils added to a base of talcum powder. A coffee grinder is useful in grinding the herbs finely to make powders although you may use a mortar and pestle. You want the herbs truly powdered, a very fine mixture without large bits scattered through it.
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Incense – Magikal Purposes


Blue Berry – Burn this to keep unwanted influences away from your home and property.

Blue Roses – Is specially crafted to honour the Goddess in all her aspects.

Carnations – This is a sweet floral scent traditionally used for healing.

Cherry – Is sacred to Venus, this blend will attract and stimulate love.

Cinnamon -Is used to gain wealth and success.

Coconut – Burn this for protection and purification.

Copal – Is sacred to the Mayan and Aztecs, this blend is suitable for honoring the Gods.
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