Majickal Properties/Symbolism of Plants

Majickal Properties / Symbolism of Plants:

Acacia: Sun. Power of life over difficulties.

Aloe: Healing. Moon

Angelica: General protection. Most powerful majickal properties. Likes damp and light shade.

Anise: Love, hand fasting. Happiness. Good dreams. Likes poor soil, little water and full sun.

Basil: Reconciliation. Harmony. Full sun and moderate moisture. Grows quickly. Annual.

Bay Laurel/Sweet Bay: Oracle. Develop psychic powers. Empowers wish making.

Bergamot: Material success, attracts love and material objects, success. Full sun but doesn’t like dry conditions.

Betony: Home protection. Not fussy about conditions.

Borage: Courage, joy and goodwill. Needs sun or part sun with lots of water.

Chamomile: Comfort, calm, peace. Sun, medium water.

Cinnamon: Energy. Full sun, moderate water.

Coriander: Physical love. Sun/part shade, medium water.

Daffodil: Ostara. Pot?

Daisy: Love divination. Moist, full/part sun.

Evening Primrose: Hunting for any item of value. Shady and wet. Draws bugs.

Fennel: Persuasion. Ok in poor soil, sun.

Fig: Enlightenment. Sandy, full sun.

Foxglove: Fae. Part shade, moist.

Honeysuckle: Balance. Full sun, medium water.

Hyacinth: Relaxation. Full sun, good soil.

Hydrangea: Don’t plant near door!

Iris: Spring. Some shade, water.

Ivy: Ecstasy. Variable.

Jasmine: Moon. Lots of water, full sun.

Delphinium: Leadership. Full sun, medium water.

Lovage: Legal victory. Perennial. Grows big. Full sun, medium water.

Pennyroyal: Calming. Banish fleas. Moist, shade.

Poppy: Dreams. Variable.

Violet and Pansy: Immortal love. Shade/part shade, moist.

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